Students Services

Hunimed students are carefully assisted from the very first step of the admission process, up to their last day of university. Here is the list of available services:

Student Ambassadors

We are calling all passionate individuals to join our team of Hunimed Student Ambassadors and embark on a journey to inspire and guide future students towards a fulfilling academic experience at Humanitas University.

As a Hunimed Student Ambassador you will be:

  • Chatting with prospective students through a dedicated web platform
  • Answering questions from prospective students about your uni life and student experience in Milan
  • Redirecting students to the right resources and people
  • Taking part in live streaming sessions – Q&As, webinars, group sessions
  • Creating a buzz by sharing your passion and enthusiasm

Interested in making a lasting impact as a Hunimed Student Ambassador? Send your application to, telling us the reasons why you would like to join us.

Student Office Services

According to the service needed, it is possible to book an appointment both online and on campus. The reservation assures that all requests are handled by a qualified member of the staff.


  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9.00am to 12.30pm
  • Tuesday and Thursday from 2.00pm to 5.00pm


Telephone: +39 02 8224 3777

Information Technology

The Office of Information Technology is responsible for the management and evolution of the University’s Information Systems to support teaching, research and administrative management processes.

It promotes the use of new technologies and provides support to users.

It guarantees, the development and improvement of information systems, allows users to use advanced technologies and access to applications, networks and services; it promotes the acquisition and efficient use of ICT infrastructures and technologies.


The University’s information systems make the following services available to students, faculty and staff:

  • Wi-fi of the University
  • E-learning
  • Access to applications
  • Digital learning


Our University has set up the IT Help Desk service for students, faculty and all staff members for issues with the IT services. It’s also possible to book an appointment to fix up with one of our technicians.


Setup in 1996, Humanitas Research Hospital Library became a Scientific Documentation Center in 2007, to promote and support research, clinical care, teaching and learning needs.

Spiritual Assistant

Don Mattia Bernasconi – Spiritual Assistant at Humanitas University and Parish Vicar at the Visitazione della Beata Vergine Maria Community in Gratosoglio, Milan.

Don Mattia is available daily from Monday to Friday. To book an appointment, you can contact him via email at or call him on +39 328 8060427.

Counseling Service

The counseling service is a free service provided by Humanitas University offering students a brief period of therapy.

During the sessions with the psychologists who collaborate with the service, students can explore issues or challenges that cause concern or stress in a safe, welcoming and non-judgmental context.

What kind of problems can be addressed through the counseling service?

  • Problems related to university life (e.g.: the study method, the organizational and planning dimension, stress related to the exam session);
  • Personal struggles (e.g. related to moving, adapting to a new environment and lifestyle…);
  • Relational struggles (e.g.: difficulties in friendships, families, emotional sphere…);
  • Stressful events that impact mental health (loss, grief…).

How does counseling take place?

The therapy usually takes place over a period of 5 sessions, which can be renewed if the professionals deem it necessary. Sessions are held fortnightly and can be conducted in two ways: in person at Humanitas University or online. Sessions last 45 minutes.

How can I request an appointment?

You can make an appointment by sending an e-mail to

Mentorship Programme

The student peer mentorship programme is organised and supported by Humanitas University under the supervision of the Office for Medical Education and the International Students Office.

What is peer mentorship?

The peer Mentorship programme matches junior students (mentees) with senior or more experienced students (mentors), who will act as advisors or guides, providing support to, and feedback on, the mentee.

What is the role of mentors?

Mentors support junior students, by answering questions about campus and university life  (both curricular and extracurricular activities), by sharing relevant experiences and giving their mentees the contacts they might need.

How is the student peer mentorship organised at Humanitas University?

Each year incoming students are put into contact with a group of mentors from the second year through the LMS. This peer mentoring programme follows the students over the six years of the degree course.

The programme is supported through an online platform (LMS) where students can ask questions, create mentoring groups or request individual appointments.

If you would like to find out more information about the mentorship programme, send an email to

Support services for students with disabilities or with specific learning disorders (SLD)

Humanitas University offers a Service for Students with Disabilities and with SLDs that carries out counselling activities upon entry to university and support throughout the studies. The aim is to identify and develop the type of support needed for each student to successfully complete the study programme.

By enrolling in the Service for Students with Disabilities and with SLDs, students can benefit from counselling sessions supported by a neuropsychologist specialised in SLD. During those sessions students can discuss and define their needs and the support required to carry out their studies in a diversified manner and in accordance with C.N.U.D. guidelines. Students can also receive a handbook with useful and practical advice.


Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.