Student Representatives
Students actively participate in and contribute to the proper functioning and improvement of Humanitas University.
The students’ fundamental role within the various institutional bodies consists in reporting opinions, critical issues and proposals for improvement related to teaching and learning activities, as well as verifying the transparency and sharing of information.
The student representatives are members of the following Governing bodies and structures of the University:
- The Board of Directors
The University’s governance and general planning body which defines the strategic guidelines in terms of guidance and quality monitoring tasks. The Board of Directors consists of:
- five representatives designated by the promoting bodies. The latter appoint the Chairman and the Managing Director;
- the Rector;
- one Full Professor of the University;
- one fully-registered student at the time of the nomination
For more information please consult the Statute
- The Academic Senate
The University’s scientific and educational governing body which collaborates with the Rector in directing the implementation of the Strategic Guidelines within the relevant bodies. The Senate is also responsible for planning and coordinating the University’s teaching and learning activities and research, defining the scientific and educational proposals and their delivery, the allocation of resources, and the recruitment of professors and researchers. The Academic Senate consists of:
- he Rector, who chairs it, and the Deputy Vice-Rector, who chairs the Senate in the event of the Rector’s absence or impediment;
- the Presidents of the degree programs and doctorates as well as a representative of the Directors of the Specialization Schools;
- the Directors of Departments and Research Centers;
- one representative of the researchers and PhD students;
- one representative of the students
For more information please consult the Statute
- Joint Teacher-Student Committee (CPDS)
The Joint Teacher Student Committee is established at Department level, with an equal number of teachers and students from the relevant degree programmes. It evaluates the effectiveness of the teaching and learning activities and University services. The Joint Teacher-Student Committee prepares the Joint Teacher Student Committee Report, which is delivered to the Quality Assurance Unit, the University Evaluation Committee, and the Quality Assurance/Review Groups. All the functions of the CPDS are described in the University General Regulations. - The Student Council
The advisory body of the University that coordinates the activities of student representatives. It is composed of students elected to the Senate and the Board of Directors plus three elected students. For more information on the Student Council, please consult the General University Regulations - The University Evaluation Committee
The Committee is made up of 5 members from outside the University, all of them with expertise in the field of evaluation. The Committee is the responsibile for continuously and systematically verifying the University’s performance in the overall organization, its research and teaching and learning activities, as well as ensuring the overall quality of the processes, thereby helping to improve the internal self-assessment system. One of its members is also a student representative appointed by the CDA from among all the students elected.
Student opinion surveys
The process of evaluating teaching activities is based on student opinion surveys conducted on the individual courses of study.
The survey consists of an anonymous questionnaire composed of 15 questions: one part is devoted to evaluating the overall organisation of the course, one part relates to the teaching activities and the final part is devoted to measuring the students’overall satisfaction.
The questionnaire is made available on an e-learning platform and is therefore conducted online. It is accessible to all students enrolled in a degree course. The opinions, collected in the form of data, are then analysed at the level of the single lecturer, the teaching unit and the degree course. The questionnaire is measured on two dimensions: the course organization and the teaching activities.
The results are visible via the Academic Performance System (APS), a monitoring system developed by the University.
As described in the relevant Guidelines, the Quality Office provides students with an additional tool, the e-mail address, through which they can communicate any opinions, suggestions and issues. The Quality Office has the task of assessing the communications received and subsequently addressing them to the competent offices, in order to implement corrective actions where necessary.
Student representatives
The student representatives involved in the University’s governing bodies are elected every two years and can be re-elected only once.
- Alessandro Marchese – (Medicine and Surgery Course)
- Andrea Brunati – (MEDTEC School)
- Antonio Papatolo – (MEDTEC School)
- Francesco Farina – (MEDTEC School)
- Marta Pagano – (Medicine and Surgery Course)
- Sofia Poggi Longostrevi – (Medicine and Surgery Course)
- Bianca Fidato – (Nursing Course – Pieve Emanuele)
- Denise Debora Rodriguez Medrano – (Nursing Course – Castellanza)
- Michele Scaccabarozzi – (Nursing Course – Bergamo)
- Stefano Marinoni – (Physiotherapy)
- Kadija Fiorenzo – (Nursing Course – Catania)
- Eleonora Kappler – (Biomedical Laboratory Techniques)
- Giulia Alessandra Cicatello – (Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques)
- Alessandro Volpe – (M.Sc. in Nursing and Midwifery)
- Alessandro La Pietra – (MEDTEC School)
- Andrea Calzolai Lettieri – (Medicine and Surgery Course)
- Ava Sham – (Medicine and Surgery Course)
- Giovanni De Vivo – (Medicine and Surgery Course) *University Evaluation Committee Member
Student representatives elections
Student representative elections took place on 11th and 12th December 2024 (from 09:30 on 11/12 to 23:59 on 12/12), for the following collegial bodies:
- 1 representative of the students to the Board of Directors of the University;
- 1 representative of the students to the Academic Senate;
- 4 representatives of the students to the Students’ Council, among which the Board of Directors of the University will nominate one representative for the University Evaluation Unit;
- n. 1 student representative of the Degree Programme in Nursing at the Bergamo school for consultation activities for the Department of Biomedical Sciences;
- n. 1 student representative of the Degree Programme in Nursing at the Pieve Emanuele school for consultation activities for the Department of Biomedical Sciences;
- n. 1 student representative of the Degree Programme in Nursing at the Castellanza school for consultation activities for the Department of Biomedical Sciences;
- n. 2 students representative of the Masters’ Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery for consultation activities for the Department of Biomedical Sciences;
- n. 1 student representative of the Degree Programme in MEDTEC School for consultation activities for the Department of Biomedical Sciences.
You can access here the Rectoral Decree, the Call for Elections (ITA) – Call for Elections (EN)
The elections take place online via the Learning Management System (LMS) platform.
UNIVERSITY BODY | List | Elected Candidate |
Consiglio d’Amministrazione | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Bianca FIDATO |
Senato Accademico | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Francesco FARINA |
Consiglio Studentesco | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Alessandro LA PIETRA |
Consiglio Studentesco | Lista n.2: Innovation for HU | Costanza Maria Grazia SCARSI |
Consiglio Studentesco | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Francesca Romana CENTINI |
Consiglio Studentesco | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Anna ANDREOLI |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Infermieristica Bergamo | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Yasmine HAOUFADI |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Infermieristica Pieve | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Camilla APOLLONIO |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Infermieristica Castellanza | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Alexandr BURIOLLA |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Medicina e Chirurgia | Lista n.2: Innovation for HU | Sara DI PALMA |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Medicina e Chirurgia | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Santiago NIETO CUERVO |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti MEDTEC | Lista n. 1: Next Generation HU 3.0 | Pietro Andrea ARPAIA |
List of Candidates
UNIVERSITY BODY | List n. 1 – Next Generation HU 3.0 | List n. 2 – Innovation for HU |
Consiglio d’Amministrazione | Bianca Fidato (LM Scienze Infermieristiche e Ostetriche I anno) | Alfonso Moscariello (Medicina IV anno) |
Senato Accademico | Francesco Farina (MEDTEC V anno) | Giuseppe Izzo (Medicina V anno) |
Consiglio Studentesco | Alessandro La Pietra (MEDTEC IV anno) | Costanza Maria Grazia Scarsi Ardesi (Medicina IV anno) |
Consiglio Studentesco | Francesca Romana Centini (Medicina IV anno) | Gabriele Longo (MEDTEC IV anno) |
Consiglio Studentesco | Giovanni De Vivo (Medicina V anno) | Chiran Ray Pandey (Medicina II anno) |
Consiglio Studentesco | Anna Andreoli (MEDTEC III anno) | Michelle Teng (MEDTEC V anno) |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Medicina | Roberta Maria Fiorina (Medicina V anno) | Cecilia Sicca (Medicina IV anno) |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Medicina | Santiago Nieto Cuervo (Medicina III anno) | Sara Di Palma (Medicina II anno) |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti MEDTEC | Pietro Andrea Arpaia (MEDTEC III anno) | |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Infermieristica Pieve | Camilla Apollonio (Infermieristica Pieve II anno) | Sara Fabiani (Infermieristica Pieve II anno) |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Infermieristica Bergamo | Yasmine Haoufadi (Infermieristica Bergamo II anno) | |
Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti Infermieristica Castellanza | Alexandr Buriolla (Infermieristica Castellanza II anno) |
Previous elections
On 11 and 12 December 2023, from 00:00 on 12/11 to 23:59 on 12/12, elections were held for the Student Representatives for the relevant Collegial Body, (see the Rectoral Decree). You can access here the Call for Elections (ITA) – Call for Elections (EN).
On 16 and 17 March 2023, from 00:00 on 16/03 to 23:59 on 17/03, elections were held for 1 student representative for the relevant collegiate body (see the Rectoral Decree) – from the Bergamo School of Nursing, as indicated in the Call for Elections (ITA) or Call for Elections (EN) You can access here the Rectoral Decree, the Call for Elections (ITA) or Call for Elections (EN)The elections took place online via the Learning Management System (LMS) platform.
On 20 and 21 October 2022 elections were held for the Student Representative members of the Board of Directors, Academic Senate, Student Council and Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the degree courses in Medicine, MEDTEC School, Nursing (Pieve Emanuele) and Physiotherapy.
On 10 and 11 March 2022 elections were held for the Student Representative members of the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the degree courses in Physiotherapy, Nursing (Castellanza) and M.Sc. in Nursing and Midwifery.
On 15 February 2021 elections were held for the Student Representative members of the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Programme in Nursing (Bergamo)
On 26 and 27 October 2020 elections were held for the Student Representative members of the Board of Directors, Academic Senate, Student Council and Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the degree courses in Medicine, MEDTEC School, Nursing (Pieve Emanuele) and Physiotherapy.
DO it for HU!
Take an active role in the University’s life and become a part of the Quality Assurance processes: your opinion is important to us!
Who can become a candidate and who can vote
Active voters
The following students may vote for the election of representatives
- in the Board of Directors, the Academic Senate and the Student Council: all students enrolled in the Degree Courses at Humanitas University
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee Degree for the Course in Medicine and Surgery: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in MEDTEC: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in MEDTEC
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Nursing in: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Nursing
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Physiotherapy
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques
Passive voters
The following students may run for the election of representatives
- in the Board of Directors, the Academic Senate and the Student Council: all students enrolled in Degree Courses at Humanitas University active at the time the elections are called
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee Degree for the Course in Medicine and Surgery: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery in progress at the time the elections are called
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in MEDTEC: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in MEDTEC active at the time the elections are called
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Nursing: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Nursing active at the time the elections are called
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Physiotherapy active at the time the elections are called
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery Science active at the time the elections are called
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
- in the Joint Teacher-Student Committee for the Degree Course in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques: all students enrolled in the Degree Course in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques
Students who can neither stand nor vote
Students who have been suspended or are awaiting criminal or disciplinary proceedings are excluded from both active and passive voting.
Students who cannot stand as candidates
Those who have already held the same office for two consecutive terms are excluded from the passive electorate.