Tag: IMAT test
To tackle successfully the IMAT test you should take care of three fundamental aspects: your chemical knowledge, the…
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The IMAT Test In the IMAT test (International Medical Admissions Test) students are required to answer 60 multiple-choice questions with five…
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Applications for our non-EU Medical Admissions Test are now open. The number of places available for non-EU citizens is…
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Applications for our 2016 EU Medical Admissions Test are now open. The number of places available for EU and…
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Want to study medicine in Italy at a first-rate teaching and research hospital? Hurry up! Non-EU Applications close on Monday, March…
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Want to study medicine in English at a top Italian hospital? Hurry up! Applications for Humanitas University Medical Admissions…
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Why should I choose to study at Humanitas University? Because it is… the largest private international medical school in…
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The 2016 non-EU Medical Admissions Test will take place on April 7th in 40 locations worldwide: new venues are now available…
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The 2016 non-EU Medical Admissions Test will take place on April 7th in several locations worldwide listed in the…