Next Clinical Leaders

Humanitas University and SDA Bocconi have developed the “Next Clinical Leaders” to provide young talented clinicians with multidisciplinary competencies in the field of medical practice, clinical research and healthcare management

Incubator of Clinical Leaders

Today’s clinical practice and medicine are rapidly changing due to a growing need for increased efficiency and quality. The provision of medicine and healthcare is heavily dependant on the organisational and operational aspects. Our world-class interdisciplinary and specialized faculty allows participants to get the best insights into today’s healthcare environment and build on their leadership capacities, in order to better adapt in their hybrid roles as doctor-managers in the future.

The Course addresses young talented clinicians at the beginning of their medical careers, or during any phase of their specialization.
Planned number of attendants: 25.

Admission, Fee & Tuition Waivers

Applicants are selected based on their CV, followed by an interview by a faculty member. CV must be submitted by May 20th, 2016 to

The fee amounts to 3.000 euro + VAT. Humanitas University will reserve a limited number of tuition waivers. If candidates wish to apply for a tuition waiver they must submit a motivation letter and a reference letter. Qualifying candidates will be invited for a final interview with the Faculty members.  

When & Where

The seminars and workshops will take place on 16-23 June 2016 in Milan at SDA Bocconi and Humanitas University.
Various site visits to healthcare organisations are foreseen, as well as a social program.

Find out more about Programme, Faculty and Admission Process on SDA Bocconi website.


Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.