Franca Barbic

Assistant Professor

Occupational Medicine
Associate Professor


  • Medical Doctor, magna cum laude, 1979, University of Milan, Milan Italy
  • Medical Doctor, magna cum laude, 1990, University of Milan, Milan Italy
  • Post-graduate training on Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, cum laude 1994, University of Pavia
  • Occupational Work Physiology I.V.A course  (Stockholm, Sweden 2004)
  • Industrial Hygienist Course (1997-2009) AIDII Milan, Italy
  • Industrial Toxicology Lab, Environmental and Biological Monitoring (1994-1997), AIDII Milan, Italy
  • Cardiology and Syncope (2003-2019)

Academic background

  • Non-Tenured Professor of Occupational Environmental Medicine University of Piemonte Orientale, “A. Avogadro”, Medical School, Novara (1996-2000). She was in charge of the graduate course of  Laboratory Techniques, Dental Hygienists and Nurses.

Other Academic Teaching appointments

  • Adjunct Professor at Medical School of University of Milan (2012-2015) and since 2015 at International Medical School, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Rozzano, Milan.
  • Non-Tenured Professor, post-graduate course of Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy (since 2016).
  • Non-Tenured Professor, post-graduate course of Occupational Medicine, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy (since 2019)

Clinical activity

Presently, she is working as physician and scientific head of “Syncope and Cardiovascular Autonomic Disorders Unit”, Internal Medicine MED4, Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Italy. In that facility the patients coming from Italy and abroad are studied and treated by a multidisciplinary approach since 2012. “Syncope and Cardiovascular Autonomic Disorders Unit” is part of a worldwide net of tertiary centers referring to the National Dysautonomia Research Foundation, an institution aimed at providing help to patients with different dysautonomic syndromes.

She is presently in charge for the diagnostic on syncope by use of Tilt-Test, 24 hour blood pressure monitoring, 7-21 days ECG monitoring. In addition a facilitated access to other medical specialty for syncope patients management is provided. In the last  years dr. Barbic introduced in the “Syncope and Cardiovascular Autonomic Disorders Unit”, the aspects leading with Occupational Risks of patients suffering from syncope and orthostatic hypotension.

During the last 10 years most of her clinical and research work has been focused on patient affected by Parkinson’s disease and suffering from orthostatic hypotension and syncope. Those patients have been studied extensively by measuring their hemodynamic parameters invasively and non-invasively and recording, in such a cases, directly the neural sympathetic discharge (Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity, MSNA). Finally she promoted and participated in the studies aimed at evaluating the effects of plantar stimulation of Parkinson s’ patients by manual and afterwards by the Gondola ©Device on cardiovascular autonomic control and systemic inflammation.

In the last 3 years most of the clinical activities have been focused on patient suffering from Pure Autonomic Failure, Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy and Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Also, in these patient the clinical approach regularly includes the occupational features to provide the best of return to work.

The last clinical research project is focused on the long term effects of transcutaneous vagal stimulation on patients suffering from POTS on cardiovascular autonomic profile including MSNA and on the work ability

During the work activity at the Occupational Medicine Department  of “Maggiore della Carità” Hospital, Novara  (1996-2004) her clinical activity  was focused on diagnosis and therapy of occupational diseases (COPD, silicosis and asbestos related diseases, occupational asthma and rhinitis, allergic alveolitis, liver diseases, dermatitis and dermatoses, infectious diseases, allergies including latex), management on workplace of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, wellbeing and stress assessment in workplace ant its management, musculoskeletal disorders in occupational setting; effects of exposure to anesthetics drugs and gases.

In addition, she promoted as head the development of the “Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Toxicology” section, with a specific focus on the exposure to solvents and metals (Cr, Ni, Co). Finally, she followed students of University of  Piemonte Orientale, “A. Avogadro”, Medical School, as a tutor up to the defense of their thesis.

During the activity in the Occupational and Environmental Department of “Leopoldo Mandic” Hospital, Merate (LC), Italy (1992 to 1996) she was in charge in:

  • Assessment of asbestos related disease and asbestos environmental exposure
  • Environmental controls of new industrial activities to public health promoting
  • Assessment of occupational exposure to chemicals monitoring (metals, solvents, dusts, pesticides) and physical risk factors (noise, vibrations, microclimate, radon).
  • Application of laws and regulations concerning workplace health and safety.
  • Management of workers suffering from disabilities or chronic diseases.

From 1988 to 1992 she worked as a post-graduate physician at Occupational Medicine Institute of “Ospedali Riuniti” di Bergamo, Italy. In that period she was in charge on diagnosis and prevention of asbestos and silica diseases. She participated in a clinical research projects focused on Hard Metal Disease Diagnosis, Therapy and Prevention. She had a Fellow-ship Italcementi Group on Health Surveillance and Prevention programs.


Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.