Hunimed students benefit from discounted rates on a series of sport facilities located in Milan, Rozzano and Segrate.

Sport centres and facilities

Agreement with CUS Milano

Thanks to the agreement with CUS Milano, Hunimed students benefit from discounted rates on a series of sport facilities located in Milan, Rozzano and Segrate. Also, they can take part to different sport programmes and join collegiate sports or competitions on a local or national basis.

In order to participate, it is necessary to get the CUS card. This can be done online on this page.

The complete list of associate sport centres and facilities is available on The closest centres to Humanitas:



Humanitas is a highly specialized Hospital, Research and Teaching Center. Built around centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological and orthopedic disease – together with an Ophthalmic Center and a Fertility Center – Humanitas also operates a highly specialised Emergency Department.